Dental Technology Studio

Full Cast Restorations

Our DTS2 Full-cast restorations are the standard for long-term durability of posterior crowns. The lab has eliminated price variations due to crown size, giving you price predictability. And we extend that flat rate pricing to you for all of our full-cast gold products.

Each yellow gold alloy meets ADA specifications for either “noble gold” or “high noble gold” and exhibits a beautiful, rich color. Nobel-Cast 42, Noble-Cast 45, Noble-Cast 60 and Noble-Cast 67 are indicated for crowns or 3-unit bridges, with Noble-Cast 45 remaining our most cost-effective and popular full-cast gold restoration. Prescribe white noble, white high noble or OcclusalGold in combination with porcelain fused to metal bridge

Metal Free Restorations

The E-Max dental crown is considered to be a best inclusion in dental crown technology. It is a form of all-ceramic crown which provides best aesthetic appearance by complimenting with the natural teeth and it lasts longer. It has an appealing translucent color and is highly durable with extra strength.

Emax crown is generally constructed by 4 techniques: Pressed, milled Yttrium Zirconia, pressed to Zirconia, and a milled esthetic glass.

Our DTS2 Emax is the best aesthtetics solition for those ones that dont want to show any metal base when smile.

Our DTS Zirconia crown is long lasting, easy to wear and durable when compared to other crowns. The translucent appearance of zirconia crowns blends well with the natural teeth color and thus provides the most pleasing appearance. It requires minimal tooth preparation thus preserves most of the original tooth substance which is also favorable while removing the crown. Hence, zirconia crown is an ideal option to cover-up the damage including stains and to restore the tooth function.

Zirconia just $ 99.00

Porcelain Fuse Metal Restorations

Porcelain fused to metal crown (PFM) is a full cast crown that is constructed by fusing the porcelain to all or most of the metal surfaces. Indications of porcelain fused to metal crown.

A PFM dental crown is indicated in case of minimal inter-occlusal clearance that requires a stronger restoration. It is also used on any tooth that requires a full crown for preventive and restorative purposes.

PFM’s just $79.00